Membership Verticals:

  1. Freight Forwarding & Customs Brokers
  2. Supply Chain
  3. Cold Chain – Pharma & Perishables
  4. E-commerce & Express Handlers
  5. Aerospace & AOG
  6. Fine Art & Antiques Logistics
  7. Professional Packers & Movers – Relocations
  8. Events & Exhibition Handlers
  9. Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy

Freight Forwarding & Customs Brokers

Businesses are moving more merchandise to consumers across the globe than ever before. Freight Forwarders & Customs Brokers placed across the globe offer seamless solutions and global reach to access more customers in more convenient and cost effective ways.

ILN invites Freight Forwarders and Customs Brokers on the global platform and work with Member Partners globally to compete with integrators and multinationals.

Contract Logistics & Supply Chain

Warehousing is a critical factor in the Supply Chain industry. The business community prefers to outsource their 3PL activities to companies with warehouses well equipped with Lift Trucks, AGV-Automated Guided Vehicles, Systemised Racking, upgraded WMS automation, RFID, CCTV and AI systems.

ILN invites 3PL companies meeting best in class standards to work with Member Partners globally to enable them to compete with multinationals.

Cold Chain – Pharma & Perishables

Food & Beverage, Healthcare companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across the globe. To effectively concentrate on forecasting and planning besides the supply-chain visibility, they look for the Cold Chain logistics outsourcing. 3PL Cold Chain Logistics companies that offer value-added services and an effective WMS optimizing the inventory, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.

ILN invites on their global platform the 3PL companies meeting above standards in the Cold Chain transportation network, to work with Member Partners globally.

E-commerce & Express Handlers

Express Handlers play an important role in e-commerce. Companies are transporting and delivering FMCG, perishables and other manufactured goods in a more timely and efficient manner than ever before thanks to the boom in e-commerce. Modern trends in services and technologies for the last-mile delivery are transforming the way companies do business allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. These services continue to evolve while business houses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

ILN invites such express companies on the global platform using last-mile delivery solutions to cope with the e-commerce demands globally.

Aerospace & AOG

Logistically, Aerospace and AOG are extremely critical in the area of supply chain and transportation. Aerospace, Defence and their suppliers globally manage the flow of these time sensitive and critical products across the channels.

ILN invites on their global platform, Aerospace and AOG Handlers with 24/7 operations.

Fine Arts & Antiques Logistics

Transporting Fine Arts and Antiques involves specialized Logistics to ensure their safety through trained handling staff, custom packaging, climate control and secure transportation for valuable and delicate/fragile items.

ILN invites on their global platform, the specialized Logistics companies handling Fine Arts and Antiques.

Professional Packers & Movers – Relocations

Globally, people are on the move. On-job Transfers, New employment on work permits, migrations etc. ILN invites on their global platform, Professional Packers qualified to handle packaging of Hazardous & Dangerous Goods, Events & Exhibitions, Projects and Oilfield supplies play an important role in the Logistics Industry., besides the Professional Relocation companies locally specializing in providing a fully INTEGRATED relocation services with a commitment to service innovations.

ILN invites on their global platform, professional and skilled Packing/Packaging and Relocation  companies.

Events & Exhibition Handlers

Events in terms of concerts, sporting events, contests and more held at different venues in the world are getting more and more popular. Exhibitions held at different venues globally promoting trade.

ILN invites on their global platform, companies professionally managing Events and Exhibitions.

Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy

The Energy sector supply chains matter now more than ever.

Energy companies have broadened their logistics supplier base, searching for lower prices, while others have taken the opposite approach, to be more sustainable: increasing the scope of the logistics services they outsource and partnering with service providers.

These forward-looking companies are seeking ways to consolidate their many separate supply chains, co-locating materials in central storage hubs.

ILN invites on their global platform, experienced and professionally managed energy sector handlers.